Saturday 2 March 2024 “Women, Wine and Culture” at the Berchidda Wine Museum

The Festival of the National Association of Women of Wine is renewed for 2024 with a very heartfelt theme: “Women, Wine, Culture”.
We are waiting for you in Berchidda on Saturday 2 March at 4pm at the Wine Museum, Via Gian Giorgio Casu 5.
The evening’s program is divided into two parts, the first will be an information moment during which experts in the sector will discuss the topics of the environment, archaeology, culture and innovation.
The interventions will be moderated by Dr. Roberto Carta – President of the Monte Acuto Community.
Following the institutional greetings from Prof. Andrea Nieddu, Mayor of Berchidda, and Dr. Pier Angela Mazza, Vice Mayor, we will get to the heart of the conference: the producer Nina Puddu, Regional Delegate, will present the National Association of Women of Wine, Dr. Elisabetta Garau, Archaeologist of the University of Sassari, will talk to us about wine and archaeology: two excellences of the territory. Dr. Antonella Usai, President of the Regional Wine Museum, will tell us about the culture of wine and the territory, finally Dr. Nadia De Santis, Territorial Marketing consultant who designed the application and the Wine App portal, will address the the topic of wine tourism and innovation.
A convivial moment will follow. With a ticket of just 10 euros you can taste all the wines and products of the following companies that have joined the project:
Nuraghe Crabioni, Cantina Deaddis, Fratelli Puddu Oliena, Cantina Dorgali, Tani Vini, Tenute Olbios, Cantina del Vermentino, Azienda Mulas di Cabras Francesca.

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Tel. 079 705268
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